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The use of gold coins:
      1. 1.You can add an appropriate amount of oil to download the model of the Beta test£»
      2. 2.You can add a full amount of oil (I prioritize it) or the amount of oil you can withstand (the faster the more oil is arranged) urges me to import the specified model.£»
      3. 3. Download shared textures or plug-ins;
      4. Note: This site does not provide 3D model download, MOD can be used freely, but please do not publish to creative workshop or its forum, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, thank you for your cooperation.
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I started from February 2013£¬A total of 18939 hours were produced.

WeChat public number: mowtank welcome to join Tank test base Android APP
QQ group £º Mow:300107131

Warning: the copyright of the 3D model belongs to the authorities of the game.This website does not provide downloads of 3D models. Please do not use it for commercial purposes. If there is infringement, please contact us immediately. We will deal with it promptly.

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